
Posts Tagged ‘Chapel Hill’


In Uncategorized on June 27, 2013 at 7:51 pm


How are you guys enjoying the summer? It’s awesome how much free time we have compared to the school year and what better chance than to support LiNK than during the summer time? If any of you guys are in Chapel Hill, check out this amazing event that LiNK is presenting in collaboration with Campus Y.  Meet Pastor Chun and Joo-Yun Kyun, North Korean missionary and defector, for a Q&A session.

Pastor Chun is the director of Durihana, a christian defector aid organization that is similar to LiNK. Durihana works to help defectors find new homes in South Korea and help younger defectors with their education. He is well-known for his strong push for freedom and human rights in North Korea. Additionally, he has appeared in several North Korean documentaries, as well as the movie, “Seoul Train.” Don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity to learn more about the Korean human rights issue!

Date: July 7th, 2013
Time: 4-6 PM
Location: Anne Queen Lounge, Campus Y

Excited to see you guys there!
Love, LiNK